How much? |
We offer Free standard ground shipping to the lower 48 United States on any order over $100.00. Any order below $100.00 there is a $10.00 flat rate shipping charge. Product, excluding shipping, must total $100.00 or more to receive free standard ground shipping offer. For shipments to Alaska, Hawaii or Canada please call 877-852-2314 and we can quote shipping costs for you. Next day or 2nd day shipments are available, because the cost can vary so much depending on what you order you must contact us to get a quote. Expedited shipping options begin once the item is shipped, not upon order placement. |
How soon? |
From the time you place your order, you can expect it to ship out from one of our warehouses within 1 business day! In most cases your order will deliver in 1-5 business days. If there is an item on your order that is not available for immediate shipment we will notify you within 48 hours via phone or email. You will also receive a tracking number in your email once your order has shipped. Please contact us to check availability if your order is urgent. Keep in mind that if you order several different items, you may receive a couple of shipments as we ship from more than one warehouse. We do not offer weekend or holiday delivery options. Next day or 2nd day shipments are available, because the cost can vary so much depending on what you order you must contact us to get a quote. Expedited shipping options begin once the item is shipped, not upon order placement. |
Where do we ship to? |
We ship all orders over $100 for free within the contiguous 48 United States. We also ship to Alaska, Hawaii & Canada but the customer is responsible to pay the shipping costs. |
Where do we ship from? |
Depending on the brand of merchandise you order we could ship from multiple warehouse locations all across the U.S. When your order is received on our end we find the closest warehouse to ship from so your order will arrive as quickly as possible. |
Orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii or Canada |
The cost to ship an order to Alaska, Hawaii or Canada can vary drastically depending on what you are ordering and what part of the State/Country you live in. Our website will allow you to place an order shipping to one of these 3 locations but WE WILL NOT & CANNOT SHIP THERE FOR FREE. Once we receive an order shipping to one of these 3 locations we will price out the shipping and let you know what it will cost. If you decide to proceed with the order we will bill you the difference, if you decide you don't want to pay the shipping we will cancel and refund your order. Contact us if you would like us to price out the shipping before you place the order. |
Which shipping service? |
Depending on the brand of merchandise you order we could ship from multiple warehouse locations all across the U.S., each of which use either UPS or FedEx. Some orders shipping along the Pacific Coast may ship via OnTrac (California Overnight). You will receive a tracking number in your email once your order has shipped. Any orders placed with large quantities or oversized items may ship using a different method which will be discussed upon order placement.