Warn has just released this sweet line of Axon Winches, and this isn't Warn's first rodeo with winches they know how to build some that work great! This winch has a massive 5,500 lb. pulling capacity and is equipped with a 50 foot 1/4 inch synthetic rope! All metal construction and is satin black powder coated finish and stainless steel fasteners for corrosion resistance. The Axon line up takes winching to a whole new level by combining a powerful motor and an all new first-of-its-kind, digital contactor into one unit called a Motactor! The Warn Motactor increases the performance and drops install time as well. The Axon winches are known to be the most durable power sports winch EVER! This combination provides the user with higher levels of performance and feedback. The Unit has an all metal design, waterproof-sealing and increased structural rigidity made for some serious terrain! This winch will be a must have on your UTV to get you out of sticky situations whether you are winching your buddy out or getting yourself unstuck... This winch comes with a 3 year manufacturer's warranty on electrical components as well! Add this bad boy to your UTV so you can be ready for anything while out on the trails!